GLoG classes for spwack.

class: the drunkard start with: cane, rags, bottle of spirits A: you can become drunk or stop being drunk with half the alcohol/time than is usual B: for you, an alcoholic drink can be used as one of the following of your choice: lunch, lamp oil, holy water C: no matter how drunk or not drunk you are, everyone will think you are as drunk as you want them to think D: you become an extremely talented user of alcohol. no matter the situation, if someone tries to be better at alcohol than you, you win

class: absurd villain start with: curved dagger, your choice of handlebar mustache or dramatic hairdo A: when you act with cartoonish amounts of evil, replenish 1 HP. actual serious evil still has consequences, but killing an orc by tying it to a railroad track is fine B: other people's blood works as armor for you. having it up to your elbows gives you gloves, covering your chest gives you light armor, being drenched gives you heavy armor C: no act of evil ever causes you any pain or discomfort anymore, no matter what it is. D: you attract an apprentice, who obviously must be abused verbally as they do physical tasks


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