answering Vayra's setting questions.

 1) What class knows the most martial arts? Are they real martial arts like kung fu, or made up ones like krav maga?

there aren't classes per se (hon hon, oui oui, I am better than you) but of all the things the players can do for martial skills probably you would want to seek out the hands of someone who was a great fighter, and get them glommed onto your wrists. its all about the memory of the bones, you see. gotta leverage that bone memory. so I guess that class would be "fucking glorious bastard who survived getting someone else's hands swapped for their's with medieval medicine.

2) Can I start out having already made a deal with the devil or do I have to do that in game?

I suppose you *could* start by having a deal with the devil, but it would have to be worked out, like playing a dragon or a time traveler. you could also make one in game, and in that case it would be a little less worked out, as I plan on making rules for deals with extra-planar beings (its one of the two paths to magic).

3) Do you want me to write an 8-page backstory? Can I write an 8-page backstory, if I want to? If I write something down in it like I'm the timelost princess of the brass city and the daughter of the sun and I commanded legions in the Hell War but was betrayed by my father's vizier but I don't know that, or that I'm elf conan and cooler than everyone else, will that be true?

do not want you to write an 8-page backstory, you could if you wanted too but I would only read the first two sentences. if you wanted to be the timelost princess of the brass city and the daughter of the sun and you commanded legions in the Hell War but you were betrayed by your father's vizier and don't know that, of course i would let you, that's bad ass. you can be elf conan, but you aren't allowed to be cooler than everyone else. rule one of my games: no one is cool.

4) If I eat someone's heart, will I gain their powers? What about their brain?

eat? no. swap with yours? well if you swap your brain with someone, you are controlling their body so you have their powers, obviously. if you swap your heart with theirs, you gain all of their physical traits, including the bad ones. if you eat someones brain, it will taste like pork aspic. if you eat someones heart, you will just get blood on your shirt. you probably put your elbows on the table too, you barbarian.

5) These classes are boring, can I be one from somewhere else? What about from a different system entirely?

I'm not sure what you mean by "these classes" as I don't use them (hon, oui, better), but if you have something from somewhere else and it fits (as in, if i can cram it in their without tearing a hole) then I will help you figure out how to make it work in the rules, and if it doesn't, I'll try to come up with some more rules. if I can't, well shit.

6) If I make a sword, which one of us gets to name it?


7) Am I allowed to kill the other player characters? What would I have to do to be allowed to? Do I win if I kill them all? Actually, how do I win in general?

You are allowed to kill the other player characters, but if you do it to the point of dickishness I'll kick you out. to be allowed to, you would have to do it in a non-dickish way. you would win if you could kill them all, but if you kill one they just make more. In general, you win by retiring with enough money to live a long and wealthy life, but it could be any long term goal that requires a massive amount of money.

8) What language stands in for 'Common'? Or what are we all talking to each other in? Like the party, mostly, but also everyone else?

everyone speaks the language of The Church. that's how you talk to eachother, and its what you talk with to most any NPC.

9) How do I learn how to talk to rocks? No not once a day just, like, normally?

make a deal with Crmblecrak, the god of mountains and stone. it will be hard finding something a big rock wants that you have, but you'll manage. this same tactic can be used to learn to talk to anything, but be warned: while rocks have interesting conversation, you do not want to hear what a sword has to say. think about it. 

10) Which kinds of wizards get to serve kings and live in towers and shit and which ones are run out of town or stoned to death in the streets? Can I be both? At the same time?

The wizards who sit around all day eating jam custards and looking things up in books and giving long, uninteresting speeches about arcane forces without casting a single spell in their lives get to live in towers and serve kings. the ones who get chased out of villages have magic items like spellbooks that give them specific effects, and the ones who get stoned to death offered something to some mysterious cosmic entity and got a bunch of powers in return. you can be both/all three, and while it would be very hard, you could do all at the same time.


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