D20 weird osr-ish magic items

Hopefully the items below make good OSR tools/magic items. None of them have super obvious uses (except that flame needle), but all of them can be used in madcap schemes. Enjoy!

1. A Wand that shout insults when used

2. An Abacus that kills anybody who does an equation on it whos answer is 44.

3. A ring that stops the wearer from lying, and stops them from being lied to.

4. A small figurine of a cow that always looks at the nearest milk.

5. A knife that shoots hilt first back to the users hand when called.

6. A machine that can teleport you back to the place it was built when a remote button is pressed.

7. A bottled day (interperet this as you will).

8. A collar that can be put on any beast to give it the intelligence and personality of a yorkshire terrier.

9. A gem that can answer any question whos answer is a binary number from 1-99 (may want to limit usage).

10. A mirror whos reflection shows things as they are.

11. A book that once you start reading, you cant put down until the last page.

12. A six-sided die that always shows the result that the roller wants 

13. A pill that sets the consumers health to exactly half of maximum.

14. A fish that can't die, be hurt, or feel pain.

15. A poison powder that only kills when ingested willingly (so you can say it's sugar, but not dissolve it in a drink), is otherwise harmless.

16. A small needle that, when poked into a burning object, absorbs the flame. The fire must be released before another one can be absorbed.

17. An unbreakable iron rod.

18. A bell that closes and seals all containers within 5' when rung.

19. A sword that switches your position with anyone you cut.

20. A flask of liquid that releases 100 gallons of water when broke.


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