d20 fake magic items

 All of these items are completely mundane, but written like magic items (or they are enchanted, just redundently so)

1. Sandwich of satiation: eating this magical sandwich gives you one meal of food!

2. Sword of harm: when struck against a creature, the creature is hurt!

3. Orb of slope detection: place it on a surface, and if it rolls, its a slope.

4. Pole of touching: self explanatory 

5. Torch of light: illuminates up to 30 feet!

6. Bargainers coin: the illusion on this coin allows you to swap it for valuables

7. Mask of disguise: wear this full-face mask and people wont recognize your face

8. Book of knowledge: reading this book cover to cover will imbue you with new information!

9. Weight of power: each time you lift this weight, you will become stronger!

10. Pants of genital invisibility: as long as you wear these pants, nobody can see your genitals

11. Beer of feeblemind: if someone drinks to much of this beer, they get dumber!

12. Ring of marrige: put this ring on someone and you become married to them!

13. Potion of thirst to slake: drink this clear fluid and you stop being thirsty!

14. Magic pen: this pen can put your thoughts onto a surface, and then into someone else!

15. Fishing waders of water-guard: water cannot go through these fishing waders

16. +1: this magic person will come with you to parties and events!

17. Toy of fun: roll this small cart around to produce feelings of fun (usually)

18. Bag of holding: this bag holds things that you put in it!

19. Arrows of bow-reusing: a case of 12 arrows that allow you to fire an empty bow!

20. Hover-stilts: these stilts let you get 10 more feet off the ground than you normally can!


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