Roles in the goblin world
BASIC GOBLIN ROLES (D8) These don't need a reason. they can be anywhere, anytime, and still be doing their job. Use these on random encounter tables, in filler rooms, or as just about anything that needs generic baddies. 1. Chest-stabber: Front line gobbos with spears or swords. Do not like it when they spy other people with lungs intact. 2. Face-shooter: Goblin archers, and likely the most common kind of goblin. Like to shoot arrows with bad stuff on the end, like fire, rats, or glue. 3. Ratter: Colloquial term for a professional narc, literal term for the poor sap who feeds and trains the giant feral rats. Make sure this one has a rat on a spear, rats on arrows, or is just throwing rats. Rats are the greatest weapon. Mightier than the sword. 4. Shammi: The one with the big wooden stick who heals badly hurt goblins. Says they can talk to great goblin god, but clearly just knows rudimentary medicine. 5. Bomber: Goblin with a gunpowder barrel and a torch, generally ve...