D20 low powered magic items.
Sometimes, it's better to have a lower powered magic item. Some of these kinda got away from me in power, and all of them become lethal nukes in the hands of players, but at least theoreticallly you can plop them in a magic items shop or an early dungeon or something without your game spiralling into the sun. 1: Something made of Elfsteel . It never rusts or corrodes, and it glows in the presence of undead. Functions otherwise ordinarily. 2: A tincture that makes the drinker immune to mundane amount of heat, cold, dryness, and humidity. Sold in bundles of 3. 3: A large wooden ale mug that can never have it's contents poisoned or sullied. 4: An axe that makes wounds shaped like whatever you want (stolen from goblin punch ). 5: A ring that prevents the need for (but not the possibility of) sleep. 6: Arrows that return to your quiver after striking their target. 7: Two coins that mirror each others movement (flip one, the other flips as well, etc). 8: Two cr...